Friday, October 14, 2016

Border Collies

Image result for border collie

I adore border collies, as it is one of the smartest dogs in the world and is extremely cute and cuddly. However a grown up collie can be enormous and will require a lot of space so if when we have a big backyard I will raise on for sure!

Cooking Time

On Saturday afternoon, I bought some purple sweet potatoes from the local market. I thought to myself, what whip up with them. An idea came to mind. I'd make a healthy dessert as many other dessert would be utterly sweet.
Firstly, I washed the sweet potatoes thoroughly.
Then, I peeled the skin of and diced them into cubes onto a plate and placed it into the steamer.
I waited patiently for around about twenty-five minutes.
Meanwhile, I prepared the dough that will go with the sweet potatoes.
I then let it prove for an hour.
When the sweet potatoes were cooked, I drizzled a little bit of honey over the top while still warm.
After that, I mashed it all together.
I rolled the dough flat with a rolling-pin.
Then I added the sweet potato filling on top and then rolled it altogether.
After that I cut them into equal pieces.
I then had to preheat the oven to 180 Degrees Celsius.
Soon after, I place the pieces on to a baking tray, put on some egg wash and I sprinkled some sesame seeds.
I shoved it into the oven for twenty minutes.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dolphin Watching

On Labour day, my family and I went on a road trip to Salamander Shores, Port Stephens. 

On the way there, we visited some tourist destinations along the Central Coast. We drove 

until we fell and finally packed up for the night at a hotel just beside the wharf. The next 

morning, we went on a dolphin watching cruise which said that 99% of the time dolphins 

were sighted. The conditions weren't at its best and rough waves made my son seasick. To 

make matters worse, there wasn't any dolphins sighted. Maybe next time, our luck will be 


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tennis star

In my free time I like to play tennis with my family. My favourite tennis star is Novak Djokovic.